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Incase you were wondering who was behind all the weird content, jokes, fun and Ybee Drinks! It's two regular humans who had a passion to create the best iced coffee they could in a brand that was fun, focused and ready to take on the big dogs!

You have joined us right at the beginning of our journey and we are so grateful you have chosen to come on it with us from the beginning! One of our values is to share each step with you, to show what it's really like to start a business!  As you may know from our socials we have already suffered many set backs, made mistakes and spent a fair bit of our own dosh! We have built Ybee so far without any investment from our own savings!

It all started..

In the Auzzie outback in 2018. We started drinking Iced Coffee for energy whilst working on farms! After our visas ended on return to the UK and Ireland (Conor's from Dublin and Danielle from Yorkshire) in 2020, we realised the current market was stagnant and full of milky sugary iced coffee and energy drinks full of sweeteners that make you jittery.

We came across CBD at the beginning of 2022 after Conor started taking it for a lifelong auto-immune disease he has, as it relieved his pain! Danielle started taking it because of the jitters she got from caffeine. When paired with our coffee we realised it made the perfect drink! We started making the drink in our kitchen, before eventually working with a manufacturer and have since sampled several trials with them!

How it started...

How it ended..

Fast forward 2 years, we are ready to bring Ybee to you! We worked really hard to get the blend just right and infuse it with the right amount of CBD for energy & focus!

We are not perfect and this journey hasn't been smooth sailing but we'd love for you to come along on it with us as we grow.

Danielle & Conor 

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for tasty discounts, juicy content from our founders and decent drinks...

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