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How to stop brain fog! What is brain fog, how it effects us and how to prevent.

How can I stop brain fog?


Brain fog feels different for different people because guess what.. we are all different. Nevertheless, brain fog may be caused by diet, medication, anxiety, stress or poor sleep and generally causes a lack of focus. Find out how to help with that below! 

What is brain fog? 

Brian fog aka BRAIN fog (just checking you are paying attention) is a term used to describe cognitive difficulties which are generally caused as a result of neuroinflammation. Brain fog can feel different to people, but some brain characteristics include feeling confused, fatigued, not being able to remember things and finding it difficult to focus.  

What causes brain fog? 

Brain fog can be caused by many things such as by poor nutrition, medication, stress and anxietyAnxiety takes up so much of our energy it can then leave us drained finding it difficult to focus. It can also be caused by things such as poor sleep which can interfere with how well our brain functions.

So how can I fix it? 

Some people find brain fog is reduced or relieved through medication such as anti- anxiety medication, other ways include through therapy, exercise and  CBD which we tried for ourselves and LOVED!


CBD is also known as cannabidiol, it’s a compound that comes from both the marijuana and hemp plants. Our CBD has no psychoactive effects and its benefits are explained below.

 The endocannabinoid system is a neurochemical network that regulates bodily functions such as pain, emotions and sleep and CBD can affect the body via the ECS. In fact studies have shown that CBD induces significant alterations in brain activity and connectivity patterns in the brain whilst in resting state, and whilst performing cognitive tasks

 Research has also shown that CBD has been linked with improving anxiety and other psychiatric disorders, it has also been linked with improving sleep, as it can help reduce stress and ease pain

Brain fog can make it difficult to focus which is challenging and frustrating, as we need focus, whether that be to help finish a project at work, complete an assignment or just needing energy to focus on getting to work or navigate through life everyday (lets face it adulting is hard). If we have brain fog it can make these things difficult, however, CBD by improving relaxation, sleep, and anxiety can improve or relieve brain fog which can help us focus and that’s why we put it in our drinks.


Please note: Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease and results may vary on a person-by-person basis. This information does not constitute medical advice and it should not be relied upon as such.  

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